ANGA is committed to promoting gender equality and ensuring that all its educational projects and workplace practices reflect this commitment. As an organization that utilizes art as a medium for education, we recognize the transformative power of art to challenge stereotypes and promote a more inclusive society. This policy outlines our commitment to integrating gender equality into our core strategies, projects, and daily operations in alignment with the European Commission’s Gender Equality Strategy.

  1. Objectives:
    • To ensure gender-balanced representation in all organizational and project-related roles.
    • To foster an inclusive culture that actively challenges gender stereotypes and promotes gender sensitivity.
    • To ensure that all educational materials and programs are gender-neutral and encourage the participation of all genders.
    • To monitor and evaluate our projects and organizational practices for gender-specific impacts and make necessary adjustments.

2. Scope:

This policy applies to all levels of the organization, including employees, volunteers, partners, and participants in all programs and projects.

3. Implementation Framework:

a) Leadership and Accountability:

      • A designated Gender Equality Officer will oversee this policy’s implementation, supported by a Gender Equality Task Force that includes members from various departments.
      • The Board of Directors will receive annual reports on gender equality progress and challenges.

b) Recruitment and Employment:

      • Ensure equitable recruitment, retention, and promotion processes that encourage applications from all genders, specifically from underrepresented groups.
      • Implement a transparent pay scale and conduct regular pay audits to address any gender-related disparities.

c) Education and Training:

      • Conduct regular training sessions for all employees and volunteers on gender sensitivity, unconscious bias, and inclusive practices.
      • Integrate gender equality principles into all educational projects and materials.
      • Communication:
      • Promote an organizational culture that encourages open discussion about gender equality and inclusivity.
      • Regularly communicate our gender equality goals, progress, and practices internally and externally.

4. Monitoring and Evaluation:

      • Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of gender equality initiatives.
      • Conduct annual reviews of this policy and its effectiveness, incorporating stakeholder feedback to improve strategy and implementation.

5. Complaints and Grievances:

      • Implement a clear and confidential process for handling complaints related to gender discrimination or harassment.
      • Ensure timely investigation and resolution of all reported incidents, supporting those affected.

6. Partnerships and Community Engagement:

      • Collaborate with other organizations and stakeholders that promote gender equality to enhance our initiatives.
      • Ensure that partnerships and collaborations align with our gender equality objectives and values.

7. Policy Review:

This policy will be reviewed annually or as needed to adapt to new challenges or changes in organizational strategy. This will ensure that ANGA remains at the forefront of promoting gender equality through its innovative use of art in education.