About Us

Who We Are

ANGA is a non-profit association that works as a creative agency and a project management organization in Budapest, Hungary and Vienna, Austria.
We are a group of experienced professionals from a diverse range of professional backgrounds working together on different projects, each of us contributing his or her unique skills and knowledge for a common purpose.

The word Anga comes from Sanskrit अङ्ग and means "a small part of the whole". In keeping with this meaning, we strive to become a vital spark that ignites the flame of collective consciousness.

What We Do

ANGA is creating and promoting projects in the realm of arts, culture and education. We are specialized in research and proposal writing as well as implementing projects either as a coordinator or active partner.
We create partnerships with stakeholders in order to enrich communities in Central and Eastern Europe through cultural projects and events such as festivals, concerts, educational projects, exhibitions, and more.
Anga’s guiding principles are:
i) To increase inclusivity and social unity through the power of culture.
ii) To democratise art and make it accessible.

What Drives Us

Our Mission as ANGA is to enrich people’s lives through art, culture and education. Our Guiding Principles are to increase inclusivity and social unity through the power of culture as well as to democratise art and make it accessible to everyone.

ANGA Board

Fedra Szöllösi


 Kati Garam

Nora Egger

ANGA Members

Madeleine Damasdi


Tamas Komor

Computer Science

Stuart Gibson

Education Professional

Nora Egger


Neil Clarke

Application Officer

Lili Kuli


Alexander Boehm

International Relations

Tyagi Pallava


ANGA Workdesk

Tyagi Pallava

Project Creative Lead

Lukas Poppenborg 

Project Coordinator

Fedra Szöllösi

Project Outreach