Die Idee
TIDES steht für „Theatre Interventions Develops Entrepreneur Skills“ (Theaterinterventionen entwickeln unternehmerische Fähigkeiten) und wurde durch das Programm Erasmus+ finanziert. Das Hauptziel des TIDES-Projekts bestand darin, die Beschäftigungsfähigkeit junger Künstler und Theaterfachleute sowie die Qualität der Jugendarbeit durch eine Reihe von drei Schulungen zu verbessern. Die Schulungen vermitteln anwendbare Fertigkeiten und Theatermethoden für die Zusammenarbeit mit jungen Menschen, einschließlich derer, die benachteiligt oder ausgegrenzt sind.
Die Aktionen
Drei NRO aus UNGARN, SARDEGNA und POLEN arbeiteten 12 Monate lang zusammen, um Sondierungsschulungen für junge Künstler durchzuführen, ihr Profil zu schärfen und ihre Aktivitäten interaktiv und integrativ zu gestalten. Eine Gruppe von 12 jungen Künstler*innen trainierte zusammen mit drei erfahrenen Theaterexpert*innen in drei verschiedenen Orten: Budapest, Warschau und Sardinien. Das Ergebnis war, dass die Teilnehmer*innen ihren künstlerischen Workshop in ihrem lokalen Kontext organisierten und durchführten.
Trainer*innen: Nikolett Gábri (PL), Emanuele Nargi (IT), Zsófia Jozifek (HU)
Curriculum: https://tinyurl.com/mr3cbzfb
1. János Vítez in Salzburg
2. Power of Arts for All in Balassagyarmat
3. Merry Holidays - Christmas carols with homeless people
4. Inviting young professionals to learn about TIDES in Budapest
The three sessions took place between October and December, in conjunction with the SalzUng Association event, and two more with the help of the association in the halls of the Mozarteum University. The participants, children aged 8-13, are culturally disadvantaged, as children living in Hungary are exposed to the literature and history of their culture at school, whereas for them this is not possible. On the three occasions, workshops and theatre sessions were held for seven to nine primary school-age children. The aim was to bring Hungarian culture closer to children living abroad through drama and theatre education. Led by Ábel Kotormán, Hungarian TIDES participant.
Amand Várhegyi, Hungarian TIDES participant about his workshop for high school students in Balassagyarmat: “The experience reinforced my belief in the power of culture and the arts for personal development and individual creativity. I hope that this event serves as just the first step for the students into the exciting world of theatre and culture, and that the impact of this experience is long-lasting. Through our collaboration, I witnessed that the arts are not only entertaining but also valuable tools with wide-ranging benefits, even for the most challenging classes.”
To close and celebrate the TIDES project, we had a few art therapy sessions with homeless people in Budapest, also involving young musicians for a final event in December. Residents of ‘Utcafront’ were grateful to participate and sing Christmas carols and let themselves become uplifted for a moment.
Theatre Interventions Develop Entrepreneur Skills – This was the stance of the TIDES project. We invited young artists, performance art students, and teachers at the beginning of their careers to explore interactive Theatre and Drama tools, have fun, and boost their collaboration and creative skills.
Thanks to Keleti István Művészeti Iskola and Lehetőségek a Mai Magyartanításban for the friendly collaboration!
The Partners

Instagram: @tides_art_project_2023