Tyagi makes fiction & documentary films, video installations and VR archives of art installations. He is the founder of Anga association. Born in India, Tyagi lived in various places including the UK, Belgium, & the U.S. He now works & resides in Budapest, Hungary.
‘Narrating stories is an endless journey of relating myself to the environment and making sense out of it. I define art as the transmission of an idea (intellectual, divine, philosophical, sublime, transcendental, ideological, etc.) to the material (in countless shapes, forms, structures, mediums, aesthetics, etc.) through emotions. Creating art for me is a desire to explore the boundaries, to be passionate, to evoke sensations, to be contemporary and to find meaning in what I produce. I create narratives that I present through my films.’
Tyagi designs and implements Anga’s projects. He is also responsible for communication for the association